Nature's Supergreens

Eat the best foods on the planet

What's good

about microgreens?

Superior Than Mature Vegetables
Microgreens are 10-day-old vegetables. At this stage vegetables carry more nutritional density than fully mature vegetables, up to 40'xs more according to the University of Maryland. 
Easier To Use
Microgreens can be added to everything. Smoothies, soups, sandwiches, eggs, avocado toasts, your imagination is the limit.

What's better

about freeze dried microgreens?

Locked In Nutrients
The moment microgreens are cut from their roots they begin losing nutritional density. Freeze drying prevents this. It preserves vital nutrients by dehydrating microgreens at freezing temperatures as soon as they're cut. Check out our FAQ down below.
Superior Shelf Life
At best microgreens last 2-weeks in your refrigerator. Our freeze dried microgreens will last you a whole year, without compromising nutritional quality. Although you'll finish them sooner than that! 

Broccoli Microgreens

What makes this microgreen special? High Sulforaphane. A compound that has been linked to fighting cancer, protecting against cardiovascular disease, slowing aging, and boosting brain function. 
Boost Everything

Add Generously

What our customers

are saying

Broccoli Microgreens

Freeze Dried

Frequently Asked


What is freeze drying?

In a nutshell, our microgreens are dehydrated. But instead of dehydrating in heat we dehydrate in cold temperatures. This ensures the nutritional content is preserved. 

Are you guys organic?

We grow indoors with natural & organic soil (Brand: Black Gold), and use filtered water. That's all! Absolutely no chemicals or anything like that are used in the process. 

What's the evidence?

Why just Broccoli microgreens? 

They are among the best in nutritional value. But we're working on possibly adding more varieties. 


recipes & wisdom inspired by nature's superfoods